(+39) 388 7981309 - (+39) 331 9008666
(+39) 377 3717781 (Rooms, Excursions, Services)


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Contact us
For further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.

C.da Buonvassallo - Grotticelli 98030 - Roccella Valdemone (ME - Sicily - Italy) P: (+39) 388 7981309 P: (+39) 388 7412148 F: (+39) 0941 679023 Vat No: {%PARTITAIVA%}...
All the informations and e-mails addresses to contact us

C.da Buonvassallo - Grotticelli 98030 - Roccella Valdemone (ME - Sicily - Italy) P: (+39) 388 7981309 P: (+39) 388 7412148 F: (+39) 0941 679023 Vat No: {%PARTITAIVA%}...

... and access to the spa must be booked at least 72 hours in advance by email to {%INFOMAIL%}  or by PHONE (+39) 388 7981309. Daily entrance fee € 20.00 The massages, treatments or wellness b...
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